I. DUES Nobody likes to spend money, but:
A. Every club has to have money that they can count on to operate. Halls are expensive and getting more costly. Callers and cuers must be paid enough to meet their expenses and compensate for their time.
B. By paying dues, members have a better sense of belonging.
C. By paying dues, members support their club and promote square dancing. Dues are your admission to the function. You would never go to a show, bowl, or play golf without expecting to pay. Compare the cost of nearly every other activity with the cost of square dancing.
ll. DUTIES In order to keep square dancing as inexpensive as possible, members share the duties. Don't wait to be asked.
A. Officers: Nearly every club has a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. As a good rule, don't accept any of these offices until you have danced at least one full year after graduation. If you wish to accept an office, be sure you have attended most of the meetings the year before and learned the duties. After that, take your turn eagerly as a club officer. Remember that a club can't operate without someone giving freely of their time in these offices.
B. Refreshment committee: Usually clubs have from one or two couples rotate a month at a time to get to the hall early to make coffee, bring some light desert, and set up the hall. Take your turn willingly. When you are on committee, you should never start to clean up or put away chairs until after the last tip.
C. Other Duties: At the end of the dance, we always leave the hall in as good or in better shape than when we came in. The hall must be swept. Usually, chairs have to be put away, the kitchen cleaned up, several other small chores must be accomplished. Don't just walk out after the dance. Stay until all the work is done. Be ready and willing to serve on special committees for special dances. Be a host or hostess at every workshop and dance. Make it your personal responsibility to welcome, visit with, and say good-by to every visitor. If you have special talents, please let it be known.
lll. CLUB MEETINGS: Very few people like to attend meetings, especially if they are very long. But remember that at meetings is where the members have a say about how things are done. If you don't attend and voice your opinions, then you have no gripe coming if you don't like the way the club is being run. But once a decision has been reached, support that decision. Next time you may get your way over someone else.
lV. CLUB VISITATION: Help make your club a Traveling Club. Remember you will want members from other clubs to visit your party dances. They won't if you don't visit them.
V. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR CLUB: If you are not proud of your club, then how can others be?
A. Tell others about your club.
B. Invite non-square dancers out to visit with you. Try to get them interested in lessons. Non-dancers are scared to start lessons. You should bring them to class until they are comfortable coming by themselves. Make friends and share the fun with those friends.
C. Invite other dancers to your club's workshops and hoedowns. But never try to get them to leave the club that they are members of. This just isn't done in square dancing.
D. Support your caller or cuer when he or she is calling or cueing another dance. Let other clubs know about them.
E. Let others know you are enjoying yourself. When the caller or cuer finishes a tip, don't be afraid to applaud. If you have had a good time, tell them so after the dance. By all means, tell the hosting club dancers when you have a good time at their dance.
Vl. DANCERS' ASSOCIATION OR FEDERATION: All the clubs like yours in a geographical area belong to an Association (in some areas, it is call a Federation). The association usually sponsors week-end festivals, helps clubs secure insurance, disseminates information between clubs and at the state and national level. They perform other services that are different in different areas. Their main function is to promote square dancing in your club's area. The Association has no jurisdiction over local clubs.
"Yellow rock" or "stack the wood" are common signals to hug someone. "Hugging is a miracle medicine that can relieve many physical and emotional problems". Some women do not like strangers hugging them, so be a little careful until you get to know them. Most men like the tradition. In any case, "Have you hugged somebody today?"
The following material came from several sources. If there is a copyright, please let me know .
You are free to download and make copies for square dancers.